Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Satan Has No Power Over A Star

I'm not giving satan power over a star. It's true that Hollywood is satanic, and many celebs purposely / subliminally represent evil, but check this; A rainbow is said to be the covenant of God in the if I put a rainbow on my album cover, would you assume that I was advocating homosexuality? You shouldn't. A homosexual might claim that a rainbow is their "symbol", but I don't look at rainbows through those eyes, neither should I look at a star though the eyes of satan.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Abolishment of The "N" Word is in Full E-F-F-E-C-T

At 11 years old, this child is schooling adults with his honor of our heritage, and his God given BRILLIANCE to author and communicate such a powerful petition for everyone to cease the use of the n**** word. Anyone that has a heart will love to witness this.This is essentially "Overpower Radio"!

Great job Jonathan! for why this video says, "DUMB 11-Year Old Boy", I don't know. I think the person who posted it just wanted to share the message to those attracted to negativity. ....not that I am.....I noticed the snapshot was a clip from CNN, and so I clicked. Apparently the video isn't altered at all, so I grabbed it, just so I could share the amazement of this kid, even being a little adult.